Manager Management Consulting_Organization/Human Resources


This position is involved in a project to provide future-oriented management support to the top management of a large corporation by taking an organizational and human resource approach.


- Visualization of potential corporate value (intellectual and human capital)

- Purpose Design (re-exploration of management policies) and consulting for the purpose of value creation

- Support for strategic design and implementation of business, organizational, and human resources strategies tailored to your path

[Basic behavior to be expected

- Leading a project by bundling individual tasks.

- Demonstrate leadership and customer drive.

- Maximize group value through collaboration among ICMG groups and member management

[Job Attraction]

- Build long-term relationships with clients over several years and experience firsthand the transformation of their organizations and human resources

- You can request assignment to projects that interest you and gain experience while keeping your Will (= will) and strengths at the core, thus building a career that emphasizes your orientation.


Experience with any of the following

- Consultant Experience

- Project management experience
