Joint Ventures
Not just as accompanying partners, we become [practitioners] ourselves,
so as to innovate and confront social issues together with willful leaders.
TEPCO-iFrontiers, Inc.
A joint venture between Tokyo Electric Power Energy Partners, Inc. and ICMG.
The company aims to “create new products and services that bring security, convenience, and comfort to customers’ daily lives,” and is developing service businesses such as “Moving Rengrakucho.
Greenway Grid Global Pte Ltd
A joint venture established in Singapore by TEPCO Power Grid, Chubu Electric Power’s power transmission and distribution division, and ICMG Partners. This joint venture in the power transmission and distribution sector was established following the merger of the power generation divisions of TEPCO and Chubu Electric Power Company (JERA), Japan’s largest electric power company. JERA is engaged in the development, investment, and operation of overseas power transmission and distribution projects in Asia, as well as renewable energy and next-generation infrastructure.
GTJ(Global Thermostat Japan)
Established as a joint venture between Global Thermostat, Inc. of the U.S. and ICMG, it is a strategic base for the Asian region, including Japan. It promotes industry-government-academia collaboration across Asia and supports the achievement of net-zero emissions goals in each region through advanced DAC solutions. DAC (Direct Air Capture): A technology that directly captures carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
CleanGrid Partners Pte Ltd
A JV between WEnergy Global, TEPCO Power Grid, and ICMG Partners, contributing to and revitalizing local communities by sharing power and electrifying un-electrified areas in micro-grid and solar in Southeast Asia, including the Philippines and Indonesia. They are building world-class solutions that provide clean, reliable, and affordable power for consumers and communities.