
Willpower to gather, connect, and solve social issues

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Through co-creation with like-minded people in industry , government, and academia, we will create and develop businesses that contribute to solving social issues such as climate change
and to building a better future


We create Corporate Transformation (CX) and support the growth of companies. We aim to solve social issues through co-creation with leaders who have the will to become practitioners themselves, rather than just accompanying them.

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in Numbers


Total JV capitalisation


People to be supplied with electricity by the JV



Analyst reports issued


Companies covered by analyst reports



Programs & Services

Support for new business development and exploration of new business areas

ICMG takes risks with companies to establish joint ventures, creating co-creation-type innovations. They utilize the value and assets of companies in existing areas and to create new businesses.

Integrated Reporting / Purpose Penetration Project

We work with the client's next-generation team members to gain a new understanding of their company and organization. Through this understanding, we create a vision, redefine their purpose and help set their mission. We work with the client to compile a final integrated report, and accompany the client until this purpose is understood by all employees and stakeholders.

Joint Ventures

Not just as accompanying partners, we become [practitioners] ourselves
so as to innovate and confront social issues together with willful leaders.

TEPCO-iFrontiers, Inc.

A joint venture between Tokyo Electric Power Energy Partners, Inc. and ICMG Group.
The company’s goal is to create new products and services that bring security, convenience, and comfort to the daily lives of its customers.

Greenway Grid Global Pte Ltd

A joint venture established in Singapore by TEPCO Power Grid, Chubu Electric Power’s power transmission and distribution division, and ICMG Partners. This joint venture in the power transmission and distribution sector was established following the merger of the power generation divisions of TEPCO and Chubu Electric Power Company (JERA), Japan’s largest electric power company. JERA is engaged in the development, investment, and operations of overseas power transmission and distribution projects in Asia, as well as renewable energy and next-generation infrastructure.

CleanGrid Partners Pte Ltd

A joint venture between WEnergy Global, TEPCO Power Grid, and ICMG Partners. This joint venture contributes to and revitalizes local communities through sharing power and electrifying un-electrified areas in micro-grid and solar in Southeast Asia, including the Philippines and Indonesia. They are building world-class solutions that provide clean, reliable, and affordable power for consumers and communities.

Global Thermostat Japan PBC Inc.

A joint venture between Global Thermostat (U.S.) and ICMG Group, it serves as the strategic base for the Asia region, including Japan. It promotes industry-government-academia collaboration across Asia and supports the achievement of net-zero emissions goals in each region through advanced DAC solutions.
DAC (Direct Air Capture): A technology that directly captures carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.



Isao Segawa

ICMG Director Group CFO
Director, ICMG Parnters
Director, Greenway Grid Global
Director, CleanGrid Partners

Graduated from Kobe University, Faculty of Law

"Achieving a Sufferer-Friendly Society in an Age of Divide and Conquer."

In 2005, after working for Staff Service Investment Co., Ltd. a leading business investment company in the recruitment industry, he became a director (and later the representative director) of OG Investment Co.

He was in charge of business revitalization of restaurants, resort hotels, golf courses, and Japanese sake breweries, as well as investment in technology ventures, etc. He joined ICMG in 2012 and was appointed CFO while engaging in M&A and alliance business.



Hidetoshi Kikuchi

ICMG Executive Officer
President, TEPCO i-Frontiers, Inc.Global Thermostat Japan PBC board member

B.S., Chemical Engineering, Kyoto University

"Using DAC as a weapon, we will promote co-creation to stave off the climate crisis and pave the way for the creation of new industries."

He has 10 years of experience in sales, business planning, service development, and overseas business development at Recruit Co. He then joined ICMG's predecessor, Axell, from its inception.

At ICMG, he is engaged in management, organizational reforms and new business creation projects for general electronics manufacturers, energy, automobiles, railroads, IT, materials, food, distribution, consumer goods, and broadcasting industries. He also has extensive experience in business incubation.


Tomoyuki Tateno

ICMG Silicon Valley CEO

Former SVP of New Business Startup in the U.S. , Recruit Co.
Former Senior VP of Justsystem U.S.A. (sales office and R&D center)

Keio University Graduate School of Engineering, Bachelor's Degree Program (Management Engineering)

"We will answer climate change through risk-taking and problem solving, at a quick pace, with like-minded people and through practice."

He is a former Vice President of Recruiting in the United States. At ICMG, he has extensive experience in establishing the U.S. operations for this company, recruiting and strengthening management teams, and advising and building organizations for acquisitions, organizational offshoring, and outsourcing.

He has also led advisory and organizational development for overseas companies setting up their Japan offices.

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