Gas & Electricity

Achieving a sustainable society by working together to build next-generation infrastructure and develop new businesses

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Programs & Services

Innovation Entry Program

A program aimed at acquiring the necessary perspective and methodology for new business development and business model enhancement, ICMG supports the creation of business ideas through research on startups that address social issues and providing CEO input sessions and dialogue. In some of the programs, participants experience real innovation in an overseas setting.

Management Human Resource Development Program

Practical human resource development and assessments are conducted for the next generation of management candidates, including leadership lectures, exploration of lateral and vertical areas, teamwork, and individual coaching, while dealing with issues facing the energy industry, management issues faced by the company, and strategic themes.

Industry-Government-Academia Collaboration and New Business Projects

We create new businesses and co-create innovations through the establishment of joint ventures.

Explore the numbers
of the market

34.91Trillion Yen

Domestic Market Size


Domestic Market Growth Rate


Global Market Size


Global Market Growth Rate

Joint Ventures

Not just as accompanying partners, we become [practitioners] ourselves,
so as to innovate and confront social issues together with willful leaders.

TEPCO-iFrontiers, Inc.

A joint venture between Tokyo Electric Power Energy Partners, Inc. and ICMG.
The company aims to “create new products and services that bring security, convenience, and comfort to customers’ daily lives,” and is developing service businesses such as “Moving Rengrakucho.

Greenway Grid Global Pte Ltd

A joint venture established in Singapore by TEPCO Power Grid, Chubu Electric Power’s power transmission and distribution division, and ICMG Partners. This joint venture in the power transmission and distribution sector was established following the merger of the power generation divisions of TEPCO and Chubu Electric Power Company (JERA), Japan’s largest electric power company. JERA is engaged in the development, investment, and operation of overseas power transmission and distribution projects in Asia, as well as renewable energy and next-generation infrastructure.

GTJ(Global Thermostat Japan)

Established as a joint venture between Global Thermostat, Inc. of the U.S. and ICMG, it is a strategic base for the Asian region, including Japan. It promotes industry-government-academia collaboration across Asia and supports the achievement of net-zero emissions goals in each region through advanced DAC solutions.
DAC (Direct Air Capture): A technology that directly captures carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

CleanGrid Partners Pte Ltd

A JV between WEnergy Global, TEPCO Power Grid, and ICMG Partners, contributing to and revitalizing local communities by sharing power and electrifying un-electrified areas in micro-grid and solar in Southeast Asia, including the Philippines and Indonesia. They are building world-class solutions that provide clean, reliable, and affordable power for consumers and communities.



Hitoshi Funahashi

ICMG Group Group CEO
Representative Director and CEO, ICMG

Chairman, Management and Intellectual Assets Subcommittee, Industrial Structure Council/New Growth Policy Subcommittee, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
Vice Chairman, New Business Creation Committee, Economics and Finance Association ('08), Vice Chairman, Executive Officer, Central SME Activation Committee ('09/'10)
MBA, Waseda University Graduate School, Ph.

"We create something of value to society."

Founder and President of ICMG Co.

He has worked in a general trading company in the development and export of chemical products for overseas markets and handling national bidding projects, until he joined Recruit Co. Ltd. in 1987. After working in the Human Resources General Service Division and the New Business Development Office, he founded the Business Incubation Division in 1996. He then launched the magazine "Entre" and provided a variety of services including "magazine," "internet," "events," and "individual consulting" as support services for venture companies. In 2000, he founded Accel, Inc. as a successor to the business support project.

In 2001, the company partnered with Intellectual Capital AB, a Swedish intellectual capital rating company, to license and develop a Japanese version of IC Rating®, a method for evaluating the actual value of a company that cannot be shown on its balance sheet. In 2003, he took a stake in the company, and in 2010, he made it a subsidiary.

Today, ICMG is an advocate of intellectual capitalism that ensures fair and appropriate profits for corporate stakeholders, including management, employees, business partners, customers, and shareholders, and conducts research and practice of ICMG's unique "Intellectual Capital Management" method.


Hidetoshi Kikuchi

ICMG Executive Officer
President, TEPCO i-Frontiers, Inc.Global Thermostat Japan PBC board member

B.S., Chemical Engineering, Kyoto University

"Using DAC as a weapon, we will promote co-creation to stave off the climate crisis and pave the way for the creation of new industries."

He has 10 years of experience in sales, business planning, service development, and overseas business development at Recruit Co. He then joined ICMG's predecessor, Axell, from its inception.

At ICMG, he is engaged in management, organizational reforms and new business creation projects for general electronics manufacturers, energy, automobiles, railroads, IT, materials, food, distribution, consumer goods, and broadcasting industries. He also has extensive experience in business incubation.


Daisuke Touchi

Executive Officer, ICMG
Head of Intellectual Capital Management

B.A. in Economics, Keio University

"Filling Society with the Value Creation from Intellectual Capital."

After working for an advertising company, he joined ICMG. Based on the global standard methodology of value creation, he accompanies and supports companies in implementing intellectual capital management.

He leads the execution of leadership development for the next generation of executives and others, the visualization of intellectual capital, and the formulation of the Purpose Vision.

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