
Breaking down barriers, engaging all stakeholders, and moving society to the next stage

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Programs & Services

New Business Projects Involving Local Communities, Industry, Government, and Academia

Creation of project proposals in collaboration with government agencies and PoC plans for future social implementation. We also engage in dialogue with the local communities to set up a path for the project, promote its entry, and work together to create the future.

Outcome Creation and Co-creation Innovation Program

We research on business models and startups around the world, based on the innovation themes. Strategic discussions with potential partners are then held to provide assitance in building and executing a Proof of Concept (POC) and strategic investment agreement.

Explore the numbers
of the market

784.9 Billion Yen

Domestic Market Size


Domestic Market Growth Rate


Global Market Size


Global Market Growth Rate

Joint Ventures

Not just as accompanying partners, we become [practitioners] ourselves,
so as to innovate and confront social issues together with willful leaders.

Greenway Grid Global Pte Ltd

A joint venture established in Singapore by TEPCO Power Grid, Chubu Electric Power’s power transmission and distribution division, and ICMG Partners. This joint venture in the power transmission and distribution sector was established following the merger of the power generation divisions of TEPCO and Chubu Electric Power Company (JERA), Japan’s largest electric power company. JERA is engaged in the development, investment, and operations of overseas power transmission and distribution projects in Asia, as well as renewable energy and next-generation infrastructure.

CleanGrid Partners Pte Ltd

A joint venture between WEnergy Global, TEPCO Power Grid, and ICMG Partners. This joint venture contributes to and revitalizes local communities through sharing power and electrifying un-electrified areas in micro-grid and solar in Southeast Asia, including the Philippines and Indonesia. They are building world-class solutions that provide clean, reliable, and affordable power for consumers and communities.

GTJ(Global Thermostat Japan)

A joint venture between Global Thermostat (U.S.) and ICMG Group, it serves as the strategic base for the Asia region, including Japan. It promotes industry-government-academia collaboration across Asia and supports the achievement of net-zero emissions goals in each region through advanced DAC solutions.
DAC (Direct Air Capture): A technology that directly captures carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.



Takehiko Ogi

External Director of ICMG
Professor, Kyushu University Business School

Author of "The Law of Decline: The Silent Killer Eroding Japanese Companies" (Toyo Keizai Inc.)

Having graduated from the University of Tokyo, Faculty of Law, he holds a B.A. from the Woodrow Wilson School of International Relations, Princeton University, N.J., and an M.A. from the University of California, Berkeley, D. (Economics), Graduate School of Economics, The University of Tokyo

"Creating a society in which each and every one of us can fulfill our potential."

He has served in the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (now the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry), as the President and Representative Director of Tsutaya Online, Representative Director and Managing Director of Culture Convenience Club, President and Representative Executive Officer of Kanebo (seconded from the Industrial Revitalization Corporation of Japan), President and Representative Director of Maruzen (now Maruzen CHI Holdings),

and President and Representative Director of Japan Human Resources Development Organization. He has always been involved in the forefront of corporate and social reform.


Yusuke Tsuji

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Executive Officer, ICMG Head of Singapore
Director, ICMG Impact

Kyoto University Graduate School of Engineering

"Create innovations that are intrinsically meaningful to the world."

He joined J.P. Morgan as a new graduate and later, ICMG. He has led numerous co-creation innovation projects, programs, and platforms based on "Purposeful & Impactful Innovation - creating innovations that have intrinsic meaning for the world". In addition to the execution of projects from ideation to commercialization with clients, he has extensive experience in leading the grand design, detailed design, and execution of corporate strategy, innovation strategy, innovation process, organizational design, and various system designs such as HR systems (including many under the direct supervision of the president).

He led the creation of a strategic alliance and joint initiative with UNDP GCTISD in the area of SDGs (obtained approval from UN NY headquarters). He was also elected as Judging Panel and Mentor for various global programs, and on top of that, he teaches a class on Innovation for Well-being at the University of Tokyo.


Masaya Shioura

ICMG Chief Design Officer
Representative Director of SCAPE, First-Class Architect

Established the Nikken Activity Design lab
Waseda University Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Bachelor's Degree Program (Construction Engineering)

"The power of conception and design, possessed by architects, will pave the way for the landscape of the 22nd century."

As an architect at Nikken Sekkei Inc., he designed Tokyo Skytree Town and the Yamato Group Haneda Chronogate. In 2014, he established Nikken Activity Design Lab as a cross-disciplinary department directly under the president. He became the general manager at Nikken Sekkei in 2016. Following that in 2018, he became independent and then established SCAPE Inc. with the vision of "the landscape of the 22nd century."

Since then, he has been promoting projects to enhance the value of "places" in cities and companies by making full use of design thinking. As CDO of ICMG, he is in charge of design direction for ICMG's Future Center Tokyo (2020), Kiriboshi Bank's Kic Space HANEDA (2021), and Kawasaki Heavy Industries' Future Lab Haneda (2021).

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